Weekend Things | Mid-August Already?
Morning y'all! Looks like a bunch of you sent your chill'uns back to school this week -- do you like the return to a set schedule, or do you prefer summer's 'take it as it comes' style? I can see it both ways. Sometimes it's nice to know you don't have to be up by 6:00AM to start the school day hustle, but other times there's great comfort to be found in a set routine.

I'm struggling with my own new schedule. Last week, not only did we lose our nanny but Harlow went through a really tough stretch of sleepless nights. Of course they happened at the same time, robbing me of any chance to catch back up rest, much less intelligently work on the blog. I think that's what's stuck in my craw -- I felt like I started out strongly, and now I'm fighting for the opportunity to plan, write, and post. It doesn't help matters that when I do find the time to work, my computer stubbornly stalls in the dreaded rainbow wheel and what should take five minutes takes ten. Multi-tasker kryptonite.
I suppose with time I'll adjust. Even though I feel pressured to workworkworkworkwork, maybe what I really need to do is to tap out for a short time. Yesterday was Mike and I's fourth anniversary and we spent it at the Grove Park Inn as is our tradition. A little champagne and spa treatment came right on time. Last year, I couldn't enjoy either because I was pregnant so there was nothing but lost time to make up for. Sing with me now: in the hot tub, poppin' bubbly...
For the celebration, I ordered this Self Portrait lookalike in pink buuuut it didn't arrive in time. Luckily I came up with a solid backup in a color I'm loving for fall.
Annoyed I'm annoyed with Goodnight Macaroon because I really want this navy lace romper now. Thinking black tights and black booties for fall. There's that 'f' word again.
Threw these hair gummies in my Amazon cart -- anyone tried them? A recent article on hair-growing secrets said they're a must-have, a sentiment echoed by a hair stylist who spoke from experience. However, she did caution against using protein hair masks on the regular. Apparently they can make your hair brittle if they're over used. No thanks!
Second item in my Amazon cart: Amy Schumer's new book. Word on the street is it's funny (obvi) and filled with blunt honesty on mistakes she's made in life, calling them her "badges of honor" and what makes her human. I'm listening...
Old Navy coming in strong with these lace-up flats. The python takes my first-place vote, but also seriously considering the red pair...
If I had a living room to decorate, I'd want these rose pink chairs and this gold accent table.
Why are throw pillows so damn expensive? Nothing to link to, just being salty.
From salty to sweet: we're getting two new Girl Scout s'mores flavored cookies this season. Kinda feel like I buried the lede here...
It's all about boho and it's all happening in Asheville. Pack your velvet, florals, and floppy hats and come see us! (Thanks for the heads up, Mere!)
Oh my geez, this series called "Things I Wish People Wouldn't Do" is my new favorite mom read. From taking pride in self-neglect, to guilt over weaning, to strangers touching your child, I'm all like YAAASSS when Yael tells it like it is.
Rolling into Charlotte this weekend to celebrate my brother's birthday with the whole family and I'm sooo excited. Words like 'martinis' and 'steak' and 'cookie cake' have been thrown around sooo...yeah. Pretty pumped! Happy early birthday to Trey, and happy weekend to all of you!