Biltmore Blooms

Dress: VERSONA (on sale for $20) // Mules: TARGET // Scarf: NEST BOUTIQUE
Saturday was SUCH a beautiful day here in Asheville that we knew we wanted to spend the day outside. At first I suggested The Nature Center and then Mike countered with the Biltmore Estate because with our annual passes we get in free. Considering our emergency room and tax bills both showed up last week we're trying to save money where we can, even if it's just $15 -- hey, every little bit counts!
When we bought our passes I couldn't wait to use them throughout the year to take in each season's beauty on the estate. In December we saw it as a winter wonderland covered in snow (seen HERE) and now we're in spring so that means only one thing: Biltmore Blooms!
The gardens and conservatory of Biltmore Estate are just unreal. The variety, colors, and size of the plants just blow my mind; I always feel like I'm traveling the world, taking in huge elephant ear palms native to Thailand, or plants dripping with huge pink flowers with pearl-like anthers. (Confession: I had to Google 'parts of a flower' to pull that term out!) In fact, every time I step foot on the Biltmore Estate I feel like I'm in a time warp, exploring a far-off place from a distant time.
Harlow LOVED running around in the open grass and smelling the flowers. After school the other day she wanted to go to each flower pot and smell the flowers before she got in the car, so I figured Biltmore Blooms would be right up her alley! She was such a trooper and walked the whole way, stopping a lot to take pictures, smell flowers, play with dogs, and try to pet the fish in the Italian Garden ponds LOL. Obviously I didn't want her to fall in so I just held on to both of her legs while she played in the water.
And it was so cool seeing the ladies walking around in early 20th century garb just like Edith Vanderbilt would've worn when she lived on the estate! The details of their gowns and hats were amazing. It made me want to find my own vintage costume and join them haha! Although I was burning up in my little shift dress and mules so I can't imagine how they felt in long sleeves, high necks, hats, and fur!
Right now, the tulips are out in full force and so unbelievably beautiful! Vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, and dark purples. Other outdoor plants are beginning to blooms in soft whites and pinks, but I'd say by next weekend the estate will be covered in blossoms! Did you know Biltmore runs a BLOOM REPORT so you'll know what's currently in bloom? I don't know if I missed the wisteria tunnel leading up to the side of the house or if it hasn't bloomed yet, but that's gotta be one magical sight!
I'm hoping we can get back there one more time before all the flowers are gone. If not, I can channel my excitement into the Chihuly exhibit that opens late next month. I can't imagine how beautiful his pieces and installations will look in the gardens and in the house.
Hope you had a lovely weekend and are enjoying a smooth start to your week!