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12 Thoughts for Thursday

NAVY CARDIGAN (sold out, similar) // CAMISOLE // JEANS (old H&M, similar) // MULES (sold out, similar) // BAG

This week has flown by! And isn't time in general? Like we're two months away from Christmas TODAY?!?! Crazy talk. Mike and I were organizing our schedules for the next two months and couldn't believe how crunched we felt on time. In a good way though, ya know? This time of year just hugs your heart, everything is so cozy and filled with love...and just a little bit of magic. Just watching TV together felt so much snugglier with a fire going. I can't wait to cross off a few more things from my Asheville autumn bucket list this weekend -- thinking I may need to mull some cider and bake something! Like this apple butter pie that sounds so deliciously sinful!


1 | Yesterday I heard music to my mama ears! Harlow's teacher told me she's a good leader in their classroom. Apparently Harlow always encourages her classmates to line up when the teachers say so and helps her friends clean up their toys. Harlow said a boy in her class was sick and hoped he feels better soon. Her heart, you guys. It's SO big. I'm feeling so proud of my sweet girl.

2 | I swear my hair is worse and weirder than it's ever been in my entire life! My hair stylist Zhenya told me that our bodies go through big hormonal changes every seven years or so, affecting hair growth, texture, thickness, all the stuff. I've been using collagen peptides and I do think it's made my nails grow more quickly and stronger; fingers crossed it's helping my hair somehow, too! I've tried this, this, and this brand and liked them all, but waiting to see if one really stands out.

3 | Dying to see A Star is Born! I've heard only amazing things.

4 | My wrist brace is helping a lot with my carpal tunnel. It started with my wrist hurting and then my fingers would go numb if I didn't rest my arm at my side in just the right position. So annoying. Pretty sure typing on the computer and looking at my phone are the main culprits, exacerbated by my boulder of a purse and lifting Harlow up and down. I feel like the Tin Man in need of my oil can!

5 | Kegerators are like Louboutins: exciting to buy and use, but not always the most functional. Boy these things are high maintenance! The worst part is the CO2 and finding places to fill your canister. Even here in Beer City only one place will fill our existing tank, nowhere else can or will. Despite it all I'm practically drooling to hook up a keg of Ninjabread Man porter for the holidays.

6 | Just discovered dry shampoo foam and can't wait to try it! Apparently it cleanses the hair, dissolving all the build up of product so your hair doesn't feel so gunky between washes, but it also gives it volume! Sounds like a miracle product, hope it works!

7 | Finally living out my middle school dream of owning Dr. Martens! Lace-up/combat boots and a grunge vibe are in this season and I am HERE FOR IT! I watched this video explaining the difference between the 1460 and Pascal boots (so helpful!) and chose the 1460s in smooth black leather. I ordered an 8 (my usual size) and they were too big so I went down to a 7. Much better, even with socks.

8 | Our oldest dog is 14 and clearly in the sunset of her life. It's hard to watch and harder to care for. Nursing an old dog is a lot like taking care of a newborn sometimes; they wake you up in the middle of the night, can't control their bowels, and just sleep a lot. Old girl has some life left in her but man, it's tough.

9 | I have a hard time paying a lot of money for kids clothes but holiday-wear may be the exception. (And shoes, always the shoes.) Just love the Janie and Jack Holiday 2 collection.

10 | You guys, my library card is saving me so much money! Like why didn't I do this sooner?? I currently have three books checked out: Crazy Rich Asians; Discovery of Witches; and, The President Is Missing. Now I just need more time to read! They don't have every title I want to read (like The Thousandth Floor and Ghosted) but there's always Prime for that!

11 | Do you ever get grossed out thinking about all the germs on your cell phone? Found this phone sanitizer and it feels like a necessary purchase.

12 | Harlow's naps are shortening and I refuse to accept it. My productivity desperately needs this child to nap in the afternoon LOL!

NAVY CARDIGAN (sold out, similar) // CAMISOLE // JEANS (old H&M, similar) // MULES (sold out, similar) // BAG

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