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Real Women Weigh In: Where To Buy The Best Bra

Last Wednesday I posed this question on my Instagram Stories: what bra do you love best? Because we all know bra shopping is the worst. I'm ashamed to admit I've been wearing the same bra for....

Well. Since I got married. That's over six years in case you don't know.

I've birthed and nursed a baby for a whole year in that time! Suffice it to say my body and breasteses have changed a lot since then. It is WAY past time to get a new bra! Understatement of 2019.

Lucky for me -- and for all of us in this amazing community -- y'all stepped up for your fellow females and dished on where YOU like to buy the best bras! Several brands were repeatedly recommended (as you can see in my top 3 ranking below) but there was also great variety of retailer and price point. I love that!

Here are the best bras you can buy according to you! The three most recommended brands are at the top, followed by the remainder of your tips. Y'all. Are. THE. Best!


Just so ya know // I'm looking for a daily bra that can give my sad post-breastfeeding boobs some life and won't show under a t-shirt. Those are the types of bras I included in my faves below :) But rest assured most of the brands come in a variety of styles and sizes if what I pick is not what you're looking for!


The Brands With the Most Votes...

The most recommended brand in my poll! Several women said it's great for large cup sizes. Prices range from around $50-70. I really liked this lace-trim t-shirt bra -- normally t-shirt bras are plain Jane and the lace detail is so pretty. Comes in pale pink and black, too, along with matching undies.


The word everyone used to describe Thirdlove is comfortable -- yes please! Before I shopped around on their site I took their Bra Finder test and turns out I'm a totally different bra size than I thought! Or that I was before Harlow. I've been wearing a 36B and apparently that's all wrong. Here is the new size they recommended and the best bra for me! Love the convenience of this!

They render the bra in a 3D model so you can see all sides and angles in detail. Note the no-slip straps. Strap slippage kills me on a daily basis.


I've always heard great things about this brand, from their pajamas and now to their bras. They're known for comfort, too. I like that they explicitly say "push-up bra" in their description because...well...I need some lift know what I mean? And the push-up styles come in both a smooth front and with lace trim.


Full disclosure: I was waiting to see how many votes this brand would get since I've heard so many great things. Turns out, a lot! They're delicate, pretty, and apparently do great things for the girls. They all seem to run around $60-70. These styles both ranked at the top of Nordstrom's Natori customer reviews.


More Brands You Love...

Some old reliable brands in here along with some I'd never heard of! Some great recommendations here, y'all!

  • Victoria Secret // Very Sexy, in particular. Some everyday styles along with some bedroom/Valentine's Day specials in there, yowza!)

  • Spanx // As a Spanx lover who didn't even know they made bras until now, this is a very exciting development. Loving these two push-up plunge styles that would be good every day bras, too.


Thanks again to everyone who voted in my IG poll and made this post possible! It's amazing how I went from unsure where to start to inundated with solid options. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- y'all are THE best!

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