Our Asheville Life: Anniversary Weekend
Morning friends! You know how when we were little our parents would always tell us that one day we'd be like them? That what they told us (and we summarily rejected) would be totally and completely true? Yeah, it's happening. Once I became a mom it started happening alllll the time lol! One thing that's standing out right now in my mind is how my dad would say that as you get older time flies by so much faster. He's so right!
Somehow, it's been five years since Mike and I got married! In some ways it feels like it was only yesterday, and in others I can really "feel" it considering all that's happened since we tied the knot in 2012. This one was a big deal for me -- I always put more emphasis on anniversaries that are a multiple of five or ten. Anyone else??
Our tradition since year one has been to celebrate at the Grove Park Inn here in Asheville. Even when we moved back to town we decided to stick with it because the GPI is the best and it's a totally different experience when you're staying there versus just going for a bite or a drink. As soon as we check in, we like to go to the Sunset Terrace for a...drink and a bite!

They sent us the loveliest plate of macarons :D I think pistachio was my favorite!
OOOOMMMGGG! As we were leaving we heard this amazing exchange between an older lady and her friend:
"What other restaurants are here?"
"There's that one over there...I think it's a gastropub."
"Let's not eat there; I have enough gas as it is."

Of course I picked up some new things to wear for the occasion ha! I'm the girl who shops before the trip rather than during. Okay fine, usually both. But always before!
This lavender blouse is so flattering -- I just love that gathered neckline. And these white jeans have the perfect fit! I love wearing white jeans with sweaters and boots in the winter.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in the spa and unfortunately they don't let you take pictures of the really pretty parts. Or at least I'm too chicken to try and sneak some! Honestly it's pretty nice just to leave your phone in your locker and unplug for a while. Which is basically the point of a spa you know....
If you've been following my Insta Stories this week, you'll know that this is when I got the dreaded fluid stuck in my ear. Talk about taking you out of zen mode ugh! The spa pools play music underwater and I was in the zone floating on my back, looking up at the caverns, and listening to the dream music. Aaaaand then water got stuck in my ear canal and it hasn't been normal since :(
Mike tried to fix it by squeezing the liquid from alcohol wipes into my ear. Then we tried hydrogen peroxide and olive oil, all home remedy-type treatments. We may or may not have been doing this at dinner at The Edison. We may or may not have thought that was appropriate because of the champagne (me) and bourbon (him) we'd had earlier.
Too bad we didn't get a photo of Mike squeezing water from a towelette in my ear at a bar! Instead here's a grainy selfie in which I'm making an awkward face.

With our anniversary gifts we totally nerd out and follow the traditional gift themes. Year five is wood. I gave Mike a bottle of fine oak (get it?) Macallan scotch and a wooden frame containing a photo of me during a recent boudoir shoot I did with Jesseca Bellemare. (I'm going to post on my experience shooting with the lovely and talented Jesseca next week!) Mike went downtown to Desirant to pick out this wooden clasp bracelet and a wooden box for yet another product derived from trees -- shopping money!

The next morning we had coffee and pastries on the terrace again. It started out as a cool mountain morning so I got to wear this twist-back sweater I just got! Then the temperature zoomed up into the mid-80s and the sweater went back in the suitcase haha!

This sign outside of the cafe made me laugh!

Smiling on the outside, crying on the inside bc we didn't want to leave! Mike and I are the WORST at remembering to take photos together. I think we got two all weekend, how lame is that?

After we checked out we went just across the street to The Golden Fleece, a mediterranean restaurant that is AMAAAAZING! Seriously, IMO it's one of Asheville's hidden gems. The food tastes so fresh and bright, and the decor is just the cutest. It's like a mix between rustic and modern eclectic.

I could eat their tzatziki sauce by the spoonful. And that wild mushroom orzotto is to die for!

Originally we thought we would go to the Food and Wine Festival on Saturday but for me it was just too damn hot to stand in a tent and drink wine all day. We went downtown anyways bc I'd been wanting to try the Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar, another hidden (well, kind of) Asheville gem. They've got an amazing wine and cocktail list -- including the Monopole champagne they served on the Titanic! -- and you can sip your cocktail while you browse tons of old books and vintage titles. Dogs are welcome, too. I got so cracked up over this like 90 pound dog lounging like Liberace on a leather couch!

Per usual, Mike and I went over to South Slope to hit up a couple breweries before we went home. Top to bottom, we both agree we like Asheville Brewing's beers the best. Usually we just go for pizza and one pint bc we're with Harlow, but this time we could actually order flights and experiment a little!
They have so many new varieties since we last went! Mike liked the Perfect Night IPA (in homage to the eclipse) the best. I'm already counting down until they release Ninja Breadman this fall. Most everyone gets excited about Cold Mountain but I prefer the NBM myself.

Aaaaand that's it for the photo diary! We did go to Twin Leaf bc they have lots of games you can play while you chill and we found the FUNNIEST game called Utter Nonsense. It's kind of like Cards Against Humanity except you have to read out the phrases in whatever accent is on the card. Then everyone decides who had the best accent. I'm proud to report that my Irish heritage yielded a winning Irish accent that a nonpartisan judge deemed the best. He had nothing better to do while we waited on his beer ;)
Thanks for coming by The Tony Townie today! I'll see you on Friday with my first Frugal Friday post! xxBrooke