Prettiest Pink Sweaters Under $100

The slight cool-down in the temps have me doubling down on sweater shopping. I live in sweaters all fall and winter, wearing them with leggings, joggers, jeans, and even over dresses. While I do love my versatile neutrals, I love a good pink sweater to introduce variety into my weekly rotation.
I mean I get it: with fall here we're all chomping at the bit to wear seasonal coppers, marigolds, olives, browns, and brick reds. But, I encourage you to keep pinks in your rotation from now through next spring, especially the dusky, rose tones. Really, all shades of pink look pretty year-round, from the frothiest bubble gums to the borderline burgundies.

Wanna know the best part about pink sweaters? They're so easy to style with your wardrobe's basics. Go with blue jeans or black. Your dressy leggings or your coziest joggers. Looking for the right top to wear with those trendy glen plaid pants? Try a rosy pink pullover. And pssst: chenille is still in this season.
Combing the Interwebs for the prettiest pink sweaters under $100 yielded so many adorable options I went ahead and shared them all here!
15 / SWEATSHIRT / $20
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